Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm posting, I posted, I'm a Poster

Ok, so it has been a while since we updated our blog. Not becasue nothing, has happened, it's more like because everything has been happening. Christmas time was wonderful. We had almost the whole family home for the holidays. Nathan and Brooke were not able to make it becasue baby Gavin was so new. Ryan and Andrea were here and we loved that. We played games and had such a good time. It was sad to see them go. They gave us a Christmas present with a card on it that said, " From Ryan, Andrea, and the Baby." That was so exciting.

I spent 22 hours in the van with Jason as we drove out to Rexburg so he could return to school. We stopped in Denver for New Years with the Halgrens and Spencers. Brandon was still wrestling and could not come but we had fun without him. Vivian had gone to Utah to see the grandbaby and met us in Denver. As the clock struck midnight, I kissed her and said happy New Year. She felt a complete rush of relief as 2009 finally ended. It had been a very trying and emotional time for us all but especially for her. We started off 2009 in the hospital recovering from her surgery, then Chemo, radiation, the passing of her sister and my brother, Shalon miscarried and Gavin was born with his issues. It all seemed overwhelming at times. Now a new year has started with it's joys and challenges. We will just continue to face them all the same, with faith and patience.

2009 was not without it's joys either. We feel particularly blessed. Gavin was born, Ryan got married, my job was steady, Vivian survived and is as good as ever, Andrea graduated from college, Brandon got a job, Jason is doing well in school. We are happy and healthy again.

Viv and I are training for a half marathon and have invited all of the family to join us. We have had to change plans because of a conflict with Lexie's wedding but we are still going to make it happen. Last Sunday at dinner Vivian announced that we are going to move to utah in a year and a half. Brandon is graduating in May and has been accepted to LDS business college. He will then leave on his mission. Ben and Shalon will be out of school by then also. I am not sure how it will all work out but we would like to be closer to our families and to the Grandbabies. I guess we will have to work on Ben and Shalon to see if we can get them out there as well. It will be hard since Shalon's parents are here and so are their jobs. I guess you guys in Utah can keep your eyes open for great opportunities in the real estate market.

Anyway, that's all the news that is fit to print. We love you all and miss you. Your are continually in our prayers.