I date, I dated, I am a dater.
When people would ask, "when is Ryan going to graduate?" We would answer, "when hell freezes over." On our way to Provo to Ryan's graduation, it started snowing and the prophecy was fulfilled. Lately people have been asking, "when is Brandon going to go on his first date?" Our answer has generally been, "when pigs fly." Well, if you have been watching the news lately you saw the headlines about, "Swine Flew (flu)".
Brandon took Dana Greenwood to the Prom on Sat night and he had a great time. They went over to the Strouds and took pictures and then He and Dana and Joseph Young and his date left for the dance. They went to the Shepherd's house afterwards for an hour or so for games and then went to the bowling alley for an after prom party. He is now sleeping it off. Brandon also celebrated his 18th birthday this week. Mom made the boys a "Mans Meal" and they went to see the new Wolverine movie.
Mom is doing great. She went to the Dr. last week and he drew all over her in preparation for her first radiation treatment. They made some casts and drew lines on her with permanent ink to align the machines. It will be nice when this is all done.
I flew to Burlington Vt. this week and man is it beautiful up there. The weather was crisp and clear and we flew over lake Champlaign. I hope to go up there again and take Vivian this fall when the leaves are changing. That would really be beautiful. In the mean time, I will be watching for flying pigs.
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